Serving Colchester, East Haddam, East Hampton, Hebron, Marlborough, Portland
Quick Links
Apply for a permit
Pay a licensing fee
Request an inspection
Report a housing code violation
Report a foodborne illness (food poisoning)
Apply for a food service license
Apply for a well drilling permit
Submit a salon plan review
Apply for a cosmetology license
Register your campground
Request a daycare inspection
Apply for septic permits
Check to see when your licenses and permits expire
You will need to create an account.
Services and Programs
Community Health
Our community health staff work to prevent infectious disease, reduce the burden of chronic disease and promote healthy lifestyle choices.
Some of our Community Health programs include:
Communicable Disease Monitoring and Control
Health Education
Tick testing
Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention and Investigation
Substance Use Prevention and Harm Reduction
Environmental Health
Public health regulations help to ensure the health of our community. To enforce these regulations, our Environmental Health staff provide the following services.
Septic system inspection and approval
Well and water quality monitoring
Recreational bathing water quality monitoring
Licensing and inspection of cosmetology establishments
Other regulatory inspections